The Decolonial Lab is the first non-hierarchical and grassroots forum experience rooted in Critical Pedagogy, holding space for:

  • An introduction to decolonial theory by Global South decolonial schools of thought.
  • And most importantly, a collective exploration of the subject and co-creation of a new paradigm discussing what does practically mean to decolonise ourselves and our world in relation to absolutely any topic, as decolonial practice.

That means that although the theoretical body is always similar, the roundtable conversation is always different, which gives the Lab as much continuity, to deepen or broaden the holistic exploration, as desired.

The Lab is designed and facilitated by Counterspace founding curator Cristina Morales. With a practice rooted in a trauma-informed, decolonial and hence holistic approach to activism, she understands health and the expansion of both personal and community development as a necessarily interdependent exercise on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and natural level. This experience is then catalysed connecting critical psychology, anthropology, politics, spirituality, and natural sciences, with the aim of healing while building the new instead of focusing on fighting the old, minding the whole picture.

GROUP BOOKINGS – International

Optimal for universities, education centres, community centres, galleries, museums, archives, cultural institutions, cultural organisations, charities and compromised private businesses interested in navigating an experimental and collective exploration of decoloniality. At the moment it is available online worldwide. Live options in Europe can be negotiated. Whether you are a group, or an organisation interested in bringing the Decolonial Lab to your live or online events programme, to book please use the contact form.


As a grassroots international forum, the monthly Decolonial Lab online is addressed to people from all walks of life and geographical locations ready to build, through relational learning, new pools of alternative collective knowledge production in circulation. For upcoming dates, tickets and T&C please book here.

Featured image: Decolonial Lab graphic design by Cristina Morales – London, 2020.